Saturday, April 28, 2012

Jolly uses transport

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Real off-road on the North American auto auctions with 18.2 to 24.2

An SUV, or rather the same brand, but in different variations. In the present military and civilian past. February 23 is devoted to.

more ».

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Feminism and how to deal with it

In modern times the word ' feminism ' has ceased to be fashionable - it has become customary. About feminists speak to the media, politicians, scientists, and even housewives. This word is pronounced with different intonations, from patriotic enthusiasm to anger, contempt.

On the one hand, it is impossible to deny the role of feminists in the achievements of democracy and social progress - which is just legitimizing the electoral law and property rights for women! . Is this to blame feminists ' to powder ' women's brains are your thoughts? .

Whatever this may say, one thing is certain: feminism - one of the most controversial and contradictory perceived phenomena in modern society. And for a complete understanding of this phenomenon is to try, without giving estimates and are not hanging labels, consider the objective reasons for its occurrence, and to reflect on its meaning and possible consequences.

Why women suddenly felt the need to become independent? . To understand this scheme, we begin what is called ' the stove ' - from prehistoric times.

How it all began.

Anthropologists have found that community-based way meant as a lack of private property and family in the usual sense of the patriarchal. There was no regular sexual partners, and the question of paternity was not interested in anyone, children brought up by maternal race. This period is called the era of ' up to the Tower of Babel '. The human ego - the desire to receive the power - at that time was very weak, ignorant, no one has any desire to get more than others, and no jealousy, no envy, no desire to have not been familiar with the members of the primitive community.

The emergence of private property and the patriarchal family, which owned all the property was a man, marks the beginning of the period of ' building the Tower of Babel '. The well-known biblical myth tells of how people envy the Creator, have tried to build a tower to heaven, to catch up with him. This is a symbolic designation of a new stage of development - a hitherto unprecedented jump of selfishness, when people first feel envy, jealousy and a desire to get something for themselves at the expense of others. The destruction of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of languages ​​means the separation of people, has become a consequence of such a sharp rise in self-interest. However, all these processes are affected mostly men. Women also were less selfish, and, hence, the poor and the dependent part of humanity.

And finally, the next step was the development of enhanced self-interest in women. Women's self-interest mature for several thousand years, until finally, in the late 19th century was not turned into a powerful movement of women demanding their share of economic benefits, and separation of their place in society. One after another, they won all the rights that had at that time, men, and made secure in the constitutions of their countries' position on the full equality of the sexes.

What did we fight....

To date, in many countries, feminism has become defining features of public policy. And even the opposite - government policy acquires the features of feminist. For example, the top values ​​in the western world were tolerance and political correctness - the value of patience and harmony, traditionally considered women's.

Typical male traits - the pressure, aggression, commitment to the condemned men, but, paradoxically, encouraged in women ( according to the Hollywood movies of recent years). Even the man in the West have long been feeling restless and unnecessary. Some sociological studies suggest that the white man in the West - a creature who is subject to the greatest discrimination.

critical point.

And what women think? . However, they do not notice how poor is their life, carried out in a desperate effort to achieve some remarkable successes, and happiness of a true spiritual intimacy with a loved one passes by....

The total selfishness of our world over time will only increase until it reaches a critical point when humanity will suffer so much from his selfishness, from tearing his unsatisfied desires that the rush to the other, the opposite direction - to the bestowal. And today we have come close to this critical point.

The crisis in all areas of life - politics, economics and ecology - is so deep that people are constantly living in fear and uncertainty, especially women. Because they are closer to nature and feel the state of crisis, disaster is much sharper than the men, carried away by a variety of toys - politics, business, sports. And so women are ready to take control of the world in your hands.

Women's self-interest has matured to such an extent that they can not tolerate dependence on men who do not want to notice the real problems. By creating stiff competition for men, depriving them of love and attention, in fact, selecting men all that was still the meaning of their existence, the women thus convey to men the same sense of crisis, which is owned by them. After a woman - the world's only power that can influence a man, that through it he communicates with nature. And the behavior of women - is nothing but a manifestation of ' feedback '. The nature of the mouth of a woman said the man: ...

And what about men?.

If the task of women - balancing and ensuring the stability of the system, then the problem of men - actively move forward, develop and improve themselves and the world. That men should expand the world in the right direction. But as long as they do not, women are trying to keep the world afloat and, even unconsciously, to help men feel the need for this radical shift.

As long as our world is not perfect, as long as we are in a position opposite to the spiritual, the situation remains the same - the more our world is commanded by a woman, the better for him and so he is more reliable. If the world realizes what is true, given the nature of the purpose of his existence, and it starts to move, the situation will change immediately - the man would go ahead and be a leader. Basically, it turns out instantly.

Once a critical mass of men begin to think about spiritual development - his, his family, his country and the world as a whole - women happily go back to those classes, which are by their nature - home, family and parenting. Because men are searching for their proper development to help them cope with the tearing of their selfishness, selfish move from an all-consuming war to care for and impact.

Then there 's family an entirely new type, in which the relationship between husband and wife are not based on suppressing the selfish one another and struggle for power, and the impact. Important will be not how much each received from the other, and how many gave. Only in this way our world is aligned with the natural order, and in this world, men and women will take their true place.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The contest interview discussion, who is worthy of the prize

The contest participants said. While I think anyone would give a prize, you can discuss what was best. Your opinion is quite important, as I have three leaders, about reaching the same level, but you must choose one. However, the purse is another 350 hryvnia, from which it may be consolation prizes for 1-2 participants.

1 ). bbstar. in. ua.
2 ). seo4ski. biz.
3 ). colibrik. ru.
4 ). asasha. net.
5 ). chaosline. ru.
6 ). lifetiger. blogspot. com.
7 ). ivanfisher. blogspot. com.
8 ). vpautine. com.
9 ). webwm. net.
10 ). other-life. com. ua.

Call the number interviewed in the comments or URL, to make it clear what I mean. By the way, is the number of interviews explains why last week was so little posts.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The software news

avtoblog. dealers cheaper than the base price by 30%. Look for dealers, discounts will last until the end of the month.

Kemerovo has collected all the macros in one dorgenH. place. topic. the club.

Content Downloader now not only robs the content, but also. paper forms. format Satkha. topic. the club.

I make for myself a few packs of corporate sites on the basis of. Satkha 4. 2. Because it's fast and easy. Each site kastomiziruetsya the pattern and content - perhaps only at this time is spent. The main purpose of the site - a reference supporting your own projects.

comment. day. : 'Satellite-X great cms, after buying the abandoned seemed zamorochennoy. Moved on (satus, zebrum) current rasprobyval now, a tag editor that costs. '.

Can not see links in the club? .

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Monday, April 16, 2012

A simple idea for the extraction of traffic homyachego

Take bathert or do any tupnyak who assembled or heard. On the basis of print ad or on a piece of writing it by hand. No creativity is required. Then glued it to the office, entryway, store, column. And the photograph. The result is hang on the forum, send in Idioteku, hang on a blog, or website and send to your friends. Profit! . On the basis of the topic can do to make the whole site. But the more traffic will be spread if such fakie on different forums and sites such as chips. no.

There is no news, do it yourself!.

Norwegian weekend

Came a wonderful weekend. We went to the wedding of friends in Norway. These friends were at our wedding.

This is my fourth wedding in Norway, but the first on a purely Norwegian composition of the spouses. Show was very interesting, and too much reason to go to Norway it was impossible to miss.

Thus, the most that on there in the early morning on Friday we were sitting at the local airport to fly over the Gulf of Bothnia in the city of Stockholm, and from where, on another plane, waving to his native heart of Oslo.

The plane was unusual (operated by Danish Air Transport), « vintage » - t. e. with two screws and painted like a clown. If you try to start the engines, the captain kindly explained that the left propeller does not rotate and the reason that we now do a quick reboot the aircraft, and all will be fine! .

The wedding took place in the town of Huso Fjellgard ( which in English means mountain farmstead). Pretty interesting place to which it was necessary to get from Oslo little more than two hundred kilometers. In order to overcome them were a few options: train, bus or rental car. As a result, when all tickets were sold on the train, it was decided to rent a car, which was even cheaper.

So, on arrival in Oslo, we went to pick up our hire car. Gave a brand new Opel Corsa 1. 2 ( some luck lately on Opel ). To go to Norway is interesting, but tedious. The roads are narrow and have to constantly focus on the road. The rate is also small, so that, in addition, still sleepy. The machine does not rabotalprikurivatel (which for us is simply nonsense, and a force majeure ), so the navigation was dead in the middle of the road. I had to read the card, look at the signs and find the pole star. But in the end we arrived and drove the first. The rest of the people from all over Norway, gradually tightened during the day.

We had tried to take a walk in the mountains, but there is still snow and our event with a crunch in the snow, and this is the failed.

Saturday morning was a wonderful. Finally warmed up! .

During the day all went to church where the wedding took place. The priest continually, and even with humor, talking about different things wise and philosophical. After getting married then told her 'Ja' and everyone was satisfied and happy.

In the afternoon the celebratory lunch -dinner, at which all drank, ate, and, of course congratulated Novozhenov. Well, after Brandy was already, and other sweets in the form of a wedding cake. Fighting on the wedding cake was not and no one rushed. The Norwegians, that they take.

An acquaintance with interesting people.

A Norwegian boy talked about his seven-day journey on the Trans-Siberian Express from Moscow to Beijing. In my head srazunarisovalas picture ' of torture by Russian trains '. Although his story was not so terrible.
Still, he talked about how he was a student, for his master's study flew in the spec- plane which achieves short-term weightlessness during the flight from the curve of Kepler. They studied the behavior of fish in zero gravity. And interestingly enough, the experience was a success. Under the bottom of the aquarium set up a light source, and when the plane formed weightlessness, the fish swim upside down ( probably more accurate to say, fins ).

Met a Pole, whom the groom once violently banging the vodka, then bravely went to Russia. This Pole - a biologist and is engaged in various research. By the way, fluent in Russian. He is constantly on the move, including in Russia. He told me many stories about how he floated on the rivers in Siberia, the Siberian peasants and colorful features of Russian heartland.
He said that recently three days on skis crossed the Gulf of Bothnia near Oulu. And soon going on a fishing trip to Petropavlovsk -Kamchatsky.

In general, a trip was a success. I was even able to speak the local language, after five years nepraktikovaniya thereof.

Norway, as always, taxis, and invites us to her!.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

How to find customers for promotion of sites

List the options tested:.

1) Cold calling - the exhaust is weak, but there.
2) Development of the site and immediately after the conclusion to the agreement on promotion - 50% agree.
3) Development of the site in exchange for an agreement on promotion - only for small websites (5-10 pages inkluda ). Almost all agree.
4) off-line branding in the business press - itself bears no orders, but it increases the visibility. Not just once or twice during the call heard ' once you are advertising in the. , You are steeper boiled eggs '.
5 ) SMO- work as an expert on Internet technologies at the local forum in the ' Advertising and marketing' - 1-3 interested potential customers per month. About half goes to the contract. In addition, a large number of ' silent ' visitors looking at all this chatter, and then comes to the office via the corporate website.
6) Corporate website - itself works, but more like the last point in the decision in favor of. There, portfolio and news. Portfolio of five years for the region impressive, so that frequent calls ' I immediately looked. '.
7) Seminars - seminars held several times for all at the training center. Sam worked for the tea, the participants were paid 1,000 rubles. Average crowd - 10 to 25 people. With each workshop 1.2 client.
8 ) Recommended Work. Most businessmen are calling friends and send me your friends. It is not necessary that these comrades, we were once linked contracts, just never miss a chance to mention the get-together or meeting that ...
9) counseling clients and Deferred. Many potential customers are not ready for a contract, such continue to consult with the wording 'when ripe, please '. Some come in a couple of years, the moral maturation to connect to the contract.
10) The average personnel. If you are with people like human beings, they also - also. Managers and executives change jobs frequently, so it is no surprise that if you helped them in their work once, they will connect you as a professional in your new job. This is not isolated cases, but the practice has already. It is not a pullback, but simply that you are doing your job well, respectively, the one who is responsible for this scope of work gets the rewards and praise from his superiors. That's the whole secret.
11) Distributing leaflets promoters have business centers. Several times did. Does not work.
12 ) HOT sale. This is when your manager just walks into the office and in the best style of 'our Canadian company. ' Starts with the customer. It is basically a technique for ant hills with small firms. The exhaust is excellent, but difficult to find managers. You can mask this technique for delivery of documents by courier.
13) Associated sale. I still have other types of businesses. Of course, I do not impose a client who sold the hosting - promotion, but sooner or later he will get this information from me.

Probably forgot something. But I think that the enumerated list of help to someone.
Written for sercha as advice to one of the topics.

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Windows 8 - the operating system for business?

Microsoft. looking forward to the successful promotion of the next version of Windows. Ranniche There are indications that it may be a business- oriented environment, as well as Windows 2000.

Will Windows 8 Windows 2000, the 21st century? . Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows Millenium are targeted at the average user. Ten years later, rumors and hints suggest that the developers of Windows 8 and will go on a business -oriented way.

One source of this information - the publication of the French site of technological orientation Ma-Config, which is actively expressed assumptions about the business potential of Windows 8. Analysts who specialize in studies of the OS, including Mary Jo Foley of ZDNet, and tend to the business orientation of the new operating system. ' Virtual machine (VM) are key components of platforms for data centers and products such as Microsoft Win8, System Center and Azure', - written in French blog.

The website of Microsoft Research, we know that virtualization ( the prerogative of. server systems. ) Must be one of the key components of Windows 8. This indirectly confirms Bernard Ourghanlian, technical director and head of security at Microsoft France, gave an interview on the site in March itmanager 2009th. The third version of Hyper-V will only run on workstations and Windows 8.

Virtualization is certainly one of the most interesting potential features of Windows 8, which would greatly simplify the life of IT developers, business users and the opportunities for cloud computing.

If, indeed,. virtualization. will be implemented in the new operating system, the new architecture (possibly with the hypervisor - the software component that makes virtualization possible ) will be such that the application will be isolated and not connected in the usual way with the operating system. Although there is still an ongoing debate about which system is safer - virtual or physical, Ma -Config notes that the operating system with the hypervisor will be resistant to attack, if raboatet paired with a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) chip (it kriptoprotsessor, which encrypts the information flow .

Virtualization allows for upgrades to worry about driver compatibility. Furthermore, in theory, users can virtually run other operating systems such as Linux or Mac OS.

Business users will be able to update the virtual machines when they are turned off, and Windows Update to update and potentially third-party applications. Virtualization allows the use of lightweight operating system, so download time may be less.

Windows 8 may be the ideal customer for Azure Microsoft platform for cloud computing. Azure Microsoft gives enterprises the ability to scale and build complex distributed infrastructures without the need for special physical location. In this regard, the virtual server (possibly with Hyper-V) may become much more common.

Popularization of virtualization, thus, may significantly change the way work is companies, not casual users, though in a sense, this also applies to their. This new emphasis Microsoft means that Windows 8 is positioned as a business operating system, promising as a private enterprise benefits of virtualization and cloud computing based on conventional equipment, which already serves so many years.

Of course, all this is largely speculation based on rumors and leaks. But the wait is not too long. All indications are that the new Windows 8 will be released by Microsoft in 2012. We'll look at the news.

Source: http://www. pcmag. com /.

Belgian doctors performed a unique operation on the heart

Monday, April 2, 2012

American Airlines provides passengers with wireless internet

American Airlines begins testing Wi-Fi service on Boeing 767-200 airliners, according to Ars Technica. The airline has already completed the installation of necessary equipment Aircell on two planes, and the end of the year access to high-speed wireless Internet will have an additional 15 aircraft. The broadband signal will come from 92 cellular towers Aircell, located in 48 U.S. states at a frequency of 3 GHz. Equipment to be installed in the reception of the cockpit. Aircell says that the service can be compared with the mobile technology, high-speed 3G data.
At first, the Internet will be able to use only the passengers transcontinental flights, and later the internal. The cost of the new service carrier has not yet announced, but presumably it will be U.S. $ 10. Passengers will be able to use e-mail, VPN, and the main features of access to the network, except for IP-telephony.
In 2001, Boeing has already tried to organize a wireless internet access on board, running the Connexion service. However, the demand for it was small, half an hour of access cost $ 10 and $ 30 - for the duration of the flight. Connexion shut down in 2006. Now Wi-Fi service on board the aircraft also offer Jet Blu, German Lufthansa and Qantas Australian.
Source:. Kompyulenta.